Over a decade ago, I started doing something every day that I’ve never shared with anyone before. It’s a meta-habit — a habit that helps me form better habits. And it’s been so transformative that it’s time to share this little secret. Every day, I read a 3×5 inch note card filled with a small …
Author Archives: Dan Calamai
The Two Great Risks in Life
“John Krakauer once told me that there are two great risks in life. Risking too much and risking too little. And I’ve always thought we spend a lot of time focusing on risking too much. But if you’ve found something that you’re passionate about, that is the place to take the risks.” — Jimmy ChinProfessional …
Advice From My Mom
My mom was 60 years old when she died. 60 isn’t very old, but it’s old enough to learn a few life lessons and pass them on to your kids. I’d like to share one of those lessons. A couple years after graduating college, I complained to my mom about how hard it was to …