Hidden Brands

Brands are extremely powerful. Little else can evoke equivalent feelings of belonging, by connecting us with others, or separation, by differentiating us from the masses.  Those Nike kicks. That Gucci bag. The newest iPhone. Brands make the statement, “Hey! I have this thing…and it’s really exclusive, or expensive, and associates me with a certain group …

The “Work-Life Balance” Myth

“Work-life balance” is a commonly accepted phrase in everyday conversation: “She’s not making as much money now but has a better work-life balance” “I’ve had zero work-life balance the past few months” Work and life are presented to us as a dichotomous relationship. We toil away at our jobs, creating stress and time debt (the …

The Invisible Gorilla

The task seemed simple enough. Watch a 40-second video and count how many times the people in white shirts pass a basketball. Only there was a slight twist. About midway through the video a giant gorilla strolls onto frame, looks at the camera, pounds his chest, and slowly walks away. It seems silly to even …