Reading, Listening, Watching Vol. 1

The New York Times has a weekly “Download” feature where influencers share what they’re reading, listening, and watching.  It’s cool to see the different types of media that successful people consume and a good way to learn new things. I’m probably a couple hundred thousand twitter followers away from reaching NYT influencer status, so I’ll be putting out my …

Blueprint for the Perfect 1×1 Meeting

photo by matusfi   The most important factor in an employee and manager relationship boils down to one thing: communication. The best way to keep communication flowing is to have a consistent, scheduled, private time for both people to sit down and talk. These conversations have many names, but I refer to them as the one-on-one (1×1) meeting …

Don’t Always Let Them Make the First Offer

Conventional negotiating wisdom has always said to let the other person make the first offer. Maybe their offer was higher than yours. By making the first offer, you could be leaving a lot on the table….right? Robert Cialdini, the author of Influence: The Psychology of Persuasion, gives some insight into why you should make the first offer: “Suppose you want me to agree …